Tuesday, February 11, 2014


We have been taught that we are no longer under the law but grace.  This teaching has reinforced our mind’s resistance to anything called Law.  Yet we know that without law there would be chaos.  Without laws there would be no galaxies as all would fall into destruction becoming nothingness without the Laws of Gravity.  

Therefore, in rejecting law or refusing to see that not only our natural life is contingent upon law so is our spiritual life, leaves our spirit bewildered and disconnected from our soul.

To reject law is to diminish our capacity to uncover and release our own inherent splendor of the Christ within us! 

Most of us are spiritually naive and of an unregenerate mind. All that which pertains to our consciousness that works within our minds fight against the Spirit of Renewal.  

This unknowingness clouds our thoughts and perceptions causing us to become unaware of that immutable unchangeable Divine Law--The Munificent One; the Universal Divine Creator is Law!

Many of us have no problems whatsoever obeying the Laws of the Land.  Somehow in our thinking and teachings, we have forgotten and rejected the Highest Law there is, which is the basis for  Natural Laws and Civil Laws.
Divine Spirit, Shecannah, Sophia (wisdom) is Law and works out our thoughts, words, commands and actions to manifestation in the natural realm.  That is a basic concept. We all know that when we meditate, pray or contemplate that our objective is to receive something, whether it be peace of mind or manifesting of a spiritual concept into the natural realm.  

We know that there is a Divine Force, whatever one may want to call IT that works on our behalf through our mind (spirit/soul).However, we do not know how, when or where. 

If, however, we are blessed with Divine Knowledge and Divine Insight, we can know  the how.  It is the Creators good pleasure to bless us and that the Universe give us what we need on our journey to succeed while on this earth and to live a life of abundance.  

Ultimately, it is us who initiates the workings of laws in our life.  It is because the Spirit indiscriminately work out the technicalities of  Divine Law, beyond our knowledge of comprehension, to bring our request to pass! We, then, literally reap what we sow—that is Divine Law!

These Principles do exist and will work whether or not we know the who, what, when, where or how.  Therefore, wouldn’t it make sense to have some knowledge that there is a Law that we are all held culpable to and it is there working whether we know of it or not?  

Regardless, Divine Law will  and does work according to what we feed into it.

Our thoughts are more powerful than we think. We consistently, through the Law of Attraction lure our mindset, thoughts and ideas into our conscious and unconscious mind.  Therefore, if we have the thoughts of a lawless and undisciplined consciousness, it stands to reason that we must of necessity change our mindset of thoughts to that of a Christ Consciousness or those "Anointed" Principles that brings us light and revelation.  
Christ Consciousness is the highest thought process we could ever attain and is the 'hope of our glory' and success. 

We must know and consciously think on the fact and surety that the Munificent One is ever present and omniscient within our united spirit/soul man waiting for us to plug into Divine Law to prosper in abundance and to receive our inheritance as Joint Heirs.
Hotep Light One Love!

Apostle Rubie James


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